Sunday, July 27, 2008

Laser Europeans Wrap Up and Games Thoughts

The Europeans finished up about a week ago, and as usual, I figured that I should write my delayed post regarding the event.

Overall, I was quite pleased with how the event went, and ended up 8th overall. I stumbled a bit on the last day of actual racing(last scheduled day was called off), with a 17, BFD.. The conditions in Belgium were not the expected conditions to be seen in China, but still presented many scenarios that could occur at the games. Like China, there was plenty of current, which challenged many sailors coming off the start line, or getting around the weather mark. It was also nice to practice in a bit of breeze, as there is a good possibility that we will see at least one day of racing in 15+ knots in Qingdao (going off the previous two test events).

I've found the last couple of months pretty amusing watching everyone starve themselves down to China weight. They might be laughing last, but at this stage, I am very happy that I am heading to the games feeling confident in every condition, and not having to pray for one wind strength or another. My coach and I have stopped believing the weight that people have said they are, and have made up another method of testing peoples weight- how soon their feet hit the hiking strap. I suspect a few a sailors in the fleet have amended their 'official' weight to try throw people off.

As the games have been approaching, I've been reflecting on my past seasons in Europe and what it is going to be like racing in China. I was quite amused the other day when juxtaposing my expectations during my first trip to Europe in 2003 to my present expectations, as back then I would have been happy to finish in the top ten at a major grade one once in my career, whereas this season, if I have been out of the top 5 it has been a tough event for me. However, heading into China, I know that a top 5 or even 10 is going to be a difficult result to attain, as there are so many good sailors racing there. At the start of the season, I thought that the defining factor at the games will be psychological, and throughout the season, it has only been re-enforced. I think the quest for the Qingdao 'magic potion' has been in vain, and in the end, it will come down to performing the fundamentals consistently well.

I head off to Qingdao in six days time, and am really excited about going there, and racing. I am sure at the conclusion of the games, I will look back and realize the mistakes I made in my preparation, but going into the Olympics, I am very pleased with my program over the last 6 months. It is absolutely frightening to think that the games are almost here, and to say that I am nervous is a bit of an understatement.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Europeans-Day 2

Day 2
The wind today started out at about 8-10 knots, and built slowly throughout the day to finish with gusts up to 18 knots. The swell was similar to yesterdays, which made for some enjoyable downwinds.

Overall, I had an average day(4,7). I made quite a few tactical mistakes in both races, which cost me several points. However, I was lucky to have a bit of a speed edge downwind and reaching, which really saved me today. I always have mixed feelings about days like today as, on one hand, I kept myself in contention, but on the other, I know that I could have easily had two top 3's again. Racing continues tomorrow, and the rumor is for lighter wind tomorrow.

Monday, July 14, 2008

European Championships-Day 1

The first day of the European Championship has now ended. It was a great day on the water with 15 knots of wind, sun, and nice waves. I had a great day to finish with a 3,1. I'm not too sure what place I am in, but I have been told I am tied for second.

In the first race, I started a couple boats down from the RC. It was an ok start, apart from someone to weather pulling the trigger a bit early and bearing off into me. Unfortunately, I didnt see who it was. I sailed up the middle for the first half of the work, and then made a switch to the left at the top to round the first weather mark in around 10th. I snuck by a couple of boats on the top reach, and then a few more on the run. On the run I used my speed to sneak by a few more boats. A few got past up the next work, but they were just in front around the top. I past about 5-6 on the next run, and then hung onto 3rd until the finish.

I had a great start in race two about a third up from the pin. I started just above one of the bigger British guys who was footing hard in the first race. After the start, he cleared out the boats to leeward, and I cleared the boats to weather so we both had good lanes out left. We pinned it out there, and after quite some time, he tacked and crossed. I tacked shortly after, needing to duck one other boat from the right, and then sailed free for the rest of the work to rount the top in second.

I snuck by the leader on the top reach, and dove low on the run, but forced my positioning too much, and lost one boat on the run. Another boat got past me on the next work. I promptly past him at the start of the run, and then linked some great waves to close on the leading Croatian, just getting inside at the bottom mark. We maintained our positions on the reach, and up the last short beat we were neck and neck. He split immediately around the bottom mark, and then ducked me when we converged again. I tacked back on the port tack layline, and converged with CRO. I thought I might make it accross, but it wasnt worth the risk, so I elected for the duck. I shot around his transom(a bit close for comfort-I had about 1cm between his transom and bow). I immediately cracked sheet to go into low mode to gain separation as I knew he would flip onto my hip and try to pin me. I created the leverage needed, and then flipped back on starboard tack lay to cross and take the race.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Warnemunde-Day 4

Day 4.

Going into the last day of Warnemunde, I was in second on 13 points, and Jean Baptiste was leading on 7 points. Given that he was only counting top 2's, I didnt think there was any chance of catching him for the overall title. It was pretty breezy, and I thought the best I could do was to close the gap.

In the first race of the day, I started a bit down from the boat end, and punched out on the boats around. The breeze did a small flick right, and I held out waiting for the breeze to come back. I sailed into a bit of pressure on the left, and then tack back towards the main bunch. Several boats on the right had sheared off me while I had headed out left, and I was crossing the course in about 10th. I snuck by a few guys, but lost a bit of distance on lead group to round in 6th. I had a quick top reach to round the bear away mark in 3rd. I snuck by one more on the run, and had taken a pretty big chunk out of the leader.

After rounding the bottom gate, I flipped onto a starboard tack lift, and sailed for quite some time with the leader just ahead and on my hip. Eventually it knocked, and I came back at him. I took his transom and then sailed for about 10 boatlengths, and tacked back. We had quite a large lead at this stage, and I wanted to stay close. He soon tacked back, and took my transom. I flipped again on his hip. I misplayed the shifts, and we knocked heavily. Matt Coutts, who was quite a bit back, had played the right, and it worked beautifully, as he crossed both of us on a big righty. I rounded the top in 3rd, and managed to sneak by James Burman on the run to hold onto second. After I finished, I noticed that Jean Baptiste was back in 6th, which had opened up an opportunity for me, as his lead had taken quite a hit, and was down to two points.

Race 2.
My plan of attack was to start near Jean, and put a bit of pressure on if I have the chance. We both started about 1/3 up from the pin, with about 2 boats in between. I am not a big fan of going slow to attack, but went into a slightly higher mode, and pinched the two guys off above. I was then in Baptiste's line, so I put my bow down to try and extend. I put almost 5 boatlengths on him over the next couple of minutes, and looked to be in a strong position for the race win. The guys to weather were quite far behind, and the most threatening guy(to leeward), were in my window.

Eventually, Baptiste tacked away. I thought the breeze was going to go a bit further left, so I hung on a couple more boatlengths before tacking. Baptiste was in my window at this stage, and the breeze continued to shift left. I rounded the top mark in about 5th, but thought I could get by the guys in front with a bit more offwind speed. I rounded the bottom in 1st, and saw Baptiste was quite far behind. I did my best to herd the fleet up the next work to make it difficult for Baptiste to make a gain. In the end, I won the race, and also locked up the event.

I am now in Belgium in lead up to the Laser European Championship. This will be the last event for me before racing in China.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Warnmunde-Day 3

Day 3 Warnemunde.

The only race of day 3 started with a large pin end bais. It was one of those races where the whole fleet stacks up at the pin, and it is very difficult to find a hole in the last minute if approaching on port...

Unfortunately, I approached on port, and was trying to reach down the line as quickly as I could as the holes that were avaible were quickly closing. I got caught behind my training partner who was also reaching down the line on port, and had a decision to make. I chose the best of a losing scenario, and stayed behind him so that I kept my options open. In that scenario, you do not want to develop an overlap, as if you try to go to weather, he can force you into a less then desirable spot, and if you go to leeward, you might miss out on a potential gap. I ended up a long way down the line(almost mid line), giving up a lot of distance to the guys at the pin.

My only saving grace was that I was able to take advantage of the line mid-line sag, which allowed me to immediately tack onto the favoured port tack. I made my way back over to the left side of the beat to round the first weather mark in about 6th. I then shot by a few guys on the top reach, and a couple more on the downwind to round the bottom in 2nd. Jean Baptiste had a large lead at this stage, and it was looking like I was going to get second in the race and regatta.

To my surprise, shortly after I rounded the right gate(looking downwind) he tacked before a line of pressure, which knocked him. He carried on back towards me consolidating my gain, and then tacked just back of my apparent wind, and about 4-5 boatlengths ahead. I thought the breeze was going to do a large dial left, and knew I needed to create more of a gap to get the leverage I needed to come bow even. I suspected he would put a tighter cover on me the rest of the way up the work, so we sailed into a small knock, and I tacked. He tacked with me, and I immediately tacked back left. He sailed several more lengths and then flipped back. I had the leverage I was looking for! We sailed into the first of two big knocks and he tacked away. I sailed a bit further into the second major knock, and flipped back to cross him by about 5 boatlengths the next time we converged. I managed to hold on for the rest of the race.

The RC made several attempts at starting a second race that day, and eventually got one off. I worked middle left up the first beat, and near the top of the course, it looked like it was starting to go really funky. I thought it was going to do a large dial right, but didnt want to tack over there too early, as all the top guys were out left, and if I went and it dialed back left, I would be eating some massive knocks. Fortunately, I picked the last possible opportunity to head right, making big gains on the boats from the left to round the top mark about 10th. The top reach was shifted to a run, and I could not manage to sneak by anyone. On the run(which was now a reach), I got high on the pack of 6 ahead, and then rolled over them, only to have the race abandoned just before the bottom mark.

I think it was a good decision to abandon the race, but was a bit surprised as the same thing had happened the day before; however, that race had been shortened to the bottom mark. After the abandonment, we were sent ashore as racing had been called off for the rest of the day.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Warnemunde Week-Day 2

Wow, did I have an off day today! A 26th in the first race and a 10th in the second, was the damage at the end of the day, and I have dropped to 3rd overall. There are two more days of racing to go, and hopefully I can use the remaining four races to move back into the lead.

Race 1-I had a great start just down from the pin. I punched out, and started playing the threatening groups up the beat, to be sitting in the leading group after about 15 minutes of upwind with another 5 to go. Then the little wind we shut down, and a wind line filled in from the right hand side. I had no wind, so I couldnt cut my losses and get over there. About 25 boats sailed around me. Unfortunately, the race was shortened to the first downwind so there wasnt much time to catch back up.

Race 2-I had an okay start start down about 100m down from the boat end. I was doing ok, and still in touch with the lead bunch, but for the last hundred or so meters, I just got dumped on by another sailor. Not to sure who he was, or what his aim was in doing so, but we lost substantial distance on the lead group-too much to regain. There was a large shift on the first reach, and after that it was game over as the next beat was one tack, and the rest of the race was a reach.

Hopefully tomorrow will treat me better. Surprisingly, I am quite pleased to have a day like today as I learnt so much.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Warnemunde-Day 1

First day of racing at Warnemunde has now concluded. I had a great day today scoring two first places. It is quite an interesting change from racing at a Hyeres(SOF), Holland Regatta, or Kiel as there is quite a bit more space on the course. Also, there is only one fleet so the start line is quite big, and makes it imparative to start at the correct end. My starts were what helped me win both races, as each time, I came off close to the favored end, and then was able to extend up the work.

I am really happy to be doing this regatta, as the conditions today reminded me of racing in China-lighter winds with a bit of chop. Hopefully we will get a bit more of that, as there hasnt been to much light wind with chop at the grade ones this year.

For the last bit of my preparation, I am focusing on my adaptibility, and have traded a bit of gear with one of my training partners. In particular, we have found 3 top sections of different weight: one at the maximimum weight, one towards the average, and the lightest one we can find. My normal section is the heavy one, but for this event, I am using the average weight section. It was quite interesting to put it up, as the first thing I noticed was that I based more of my rig setup decisions on feel rather then looks as it setup with slight differences compared to my normal one. I am not trying to say that there are a massive performance difference between spars, but there are subtle differences, and I believe that becoming comfortable with different gear will be very important at the games when there are so many other distractions to deal with. Next week I will train with the light one.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kiel Week Final Report

Kiel Week finished a couple of days ago, and I ended up 3rd overall. My medal race was less then desired, as I received a yellow flag for coming out of my tack to quickly up the first work. I was quite surprised at the call, to say the least, but managed to catch up to Rasmus Mrygren of Sweden on the last lap to hold onto third place.

Overall, it was quite a good event for me. I had a few silly mistakes, like missing the start of one race, but feel that my speed, tactics/strategy, and boathandling are close to where they need to be for the Olympics. It looks like everyone is getting close to their China weight now, and it is quite easy to tell who has lost weight properly and who hasn't, as there are several top sailors who have taken quite a hit to their upwind speed in breeze. Ultimately, we will see who made the correct call in China, but I certainly wouldnt want to create a weakness in one area for a small gain in another.

I am now training in Warnemunde, Germany for the next event. My focus right now is on my land training, to maintain my weight and improve my fitness.