So the laser worlds finished up a couple of weeks ago, and after a difficult event, I managed to qualify for the Olympics. I have quite mixed feelings about the event, as although I am ecstatic about qualifying for the games, I was incredibly disappointed with my overall worlds score of 23rd. I had put in a heap of work in the months preceeding the Worlds, and had been sailing much better at the regattas in lead up.
For the most part, I executed my trained skills very well. I had consistently good starts, and my speed for the most part was significantly better then my standing indicates. The area where I ran into trouble was from 30 seconds after the start until the first weather mark. I had not adapted my decision making to the worlds style of racing, and had far to many calls go the wrong way. It was not until the finals series races that I finally started to get my act together, and became more patient with the shifts.
For the majority of the regatta, my good friend and training partner, Abe Torthchinsky, led the Canadian olympic trials. Abe has worked with me tirelessly for the last few months, and I would like to thank him for all his help during that time. I would also like to congratulate him for sailing an excellent event. He is becoming an exceptional sailor, and his performance at the worlds is just a sign of what is to come!
I wouldn't be making the trip to Beijing later this year without the help of so many people and organizations. I would like to thank the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club, BC Sailing and the Canadian Yachting Association for their continued over the years. Also, I would like to thank the PJ Phelan Sailing foundation as without their help over the last couple of years, I would not be able to sail full time and pursue my goal of winning an Olympic medal.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
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